Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Meowy Chrismouse

We know's it's a day late but we hopes efurrycat and bean had a furry nice Chrissymouse! Meowmy called and we gots to headbumpie da fone to says hi to her, our day was purrty quiet ofur dan dat tho, lotsa nappies and HAM!!! We thot about our furr-ends tho and we is gonna go read some bloggies now to see how efurrycat spended da day!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


We is sorries we hasn't been arounds, our Meowmy moofed a long ways aways!! We is lifin wif GranMeowmy and Da Buddy in our howse now, we misses Meowmy, but efurry hooman saids it was betters dat we stayed in furmiliar places, Meowmy was askeered what moofing so fars away woulds do to us for lotsa reasons.
We misses Meowmy a LOT and she misses us furry furry much. Dat's why we's not been bloggying, GranMeowmy is not goods wif da pooperbox and neifur's Da Buddy. Meowmy gets noos abouts us from GranMeowmy sumtimes so she can postie it when she does, we misses our furr-ends!