We missed it yesserday acause Meowmy can't efur amember what dayte Hurry-cane Wilmas camed froo. On 22 October 2005, Da Buddy called Meowmy and askied her if she knew ennybuddies who coulds takes in a pair of tiny kittens he'd found where he works. Dere KittyMommy had taken dere bubbies and sissies and hidded dems, but nefur camed back fur dese two, and it was rainy and cold, PLUS dere was a MEAN EVIL ROTTEN NO GOOD WOOFIE out dere who'd already tried to EATS dems! Meowmy said she didn't know nobuddy, but to bring da littles home, an' GranMeowmy agreed (Efen tho she tried to preten to say nos!), so Da Buddy tuckied dems into a big box wif a soft shirt and broughted dems home.
Bof da bebes was tiny and scared, dey was tryin to hissy but dey was so little all that happened was mouf openins, Meowmy finks dey was only about a monf old. Since dey was so teeny, to 'tect dems from da big kitties, dey stayed in meowmy's room wif her fur a long times! Meowmy tooked care of dems, making sure dey had foods an a pottybox and a seepy box, and tons and tons of warm cuddles on her!
Does bebes is 2 years olds now,and dere names is Little B and Mister M!
Please helps yurselfs to da buff-ay, dere's tunas and shrimps and chik-hens and hams and stinky goodness and crunchy goodness, Tem-tay-shuns, and Toona Juice, Tuna Tinis, 'Nip Tinis and plain drinks fur efurryone! We's got plenty of good 'nip and toys and space to run rampant, so feel frees to join da funs!