We din't get a piccie done just fur us, but we wanted to show we's fur PEACE, so we hopes no one minds we are using the general piccie from Cat Blogosphere. WE WANT PEACE! WE WANT PEACE!
We're a furever family of now 5 kitties after da loss of Her Majesty at not quite 14. The five of us lefts are age 8 (Girl, Miss M, she's shy and prim), 8 (Boy, Mr E, Miss M's littermate Brofur, he's a laid back, easy going guy), 8 (boy, Mr H, a Tuxie with a mind of his own!), 2 (Boy,Little B,a sweet,somewhat shy little guy) , and 2 (Little M, Little B's littermate Brofur, and a sassy, opinionated kitty!). We lives wif our Hooman Mommy and GranMeowmy, dey luvs us very much, and tells us so every day. We's 100% indoor kitties, and we's got a good life, efen if da hoomans don't spoils us as much as we fink deys should, (dey says we's furry furry spoiled,but we can always be more spoileds,right?)
1 comment:
This Peace Globe always amazes me!
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